
a dream

It comes back..the real nightmares

For a month I didn't dream about anything real or happened in my life like my normal for ages , for a moment i thought it's over but it happened again.

Me and my mother sitting in our favorite position facing each other, I can't remember any time we sit next to each other.She was facing me with a lot of facts about my sexuality and me was denying like usual.

Denying was the best thing I can do , also escaping, for years I was denying anything and trt to travel so I can escape .
Yesterday I feel tired when I've to deny it, thinking about false excuse or fake truth to distract her

Ok , I'm Gay
Then a lot of noise come through my mind after I reveal that truth, after that annoying noise I heard nothing then I wake up at 2 am with a pain in my shoulder

I stayed in bed till the morning feeling bad to shock her but after hours I realized it's a dream or maybe I said that and she is ignoring as usual

Coming out is an idea come cross my mind every while especially after the movie 'weekend' , normally I believe that things become easier when we say it loudly. Does if I came out to my parents would change anything?

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